The White Muzzle Fund
How about throwing an old dog a bone?


About Us



Contact Us


Memorials & Tributes



Mail your donation to:
White Muzzle Fund
PO Box 6321, FDR Station
New York, NY 10150-6321
Does your Employer have a Matching Gift Program?
If so, just a few minutes of your time could make your gift go twice as far.
Click Here for info.

Or Donate Online:

Note: You will be redirected to PayPal, the industry leader in secure online transactions.

      $25 Donation

      $50 Donation

      $100 Donation

      $250 Donation

      $500 Donation

      $1,000 Donation

     Click here to become part of our Monthly Donor Program.
     Click here to make Memorial & Tribute Gifts.

Your gift to the White Muzzle Fund, a 501(c)(3) charitable organization, is tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.
Donor Privacy: The White Muzzle Fund does not rent, sell or trade its donor or mailing lists.